Welcome to the Akasha Yoga Family!
Welcome to the Akasha Yoga Family!
Congratulations on signing up Meditation Inmmersion This is your first step on the journey to serenity and inner peace.
Save the date for September 2nd!
We're thrilled to guide you on this transformative journey.
Can't wait to see you there!
Thank you for joining us,
The Akasha Team
Here are the next steps
2. Stay Connected
Follow us on Instagram. We would love to see your progress in the challenge by using the hashtag #akashayogachallenge
Disclaimer: We cordially invite you join this live event Meditation Immersion. We'll teach you various exercises with different general benefits. Seven days is however not enough time to guarantee results.
The key to successful practice is consistency & continuity over weeks & months. To properly assist you in your Yogic development, we recommend you to join our 80-Hour Meditation YTT